Account Based Marketing in a post digital era — 2019
Account Based Marketing (ABM) is an obvious and potent discipline in business-to-business relationship with a sizable Customer Lifetime Value. However, the conventional ABM programs run by the Sales department are under pressure. The largely manual, labor intensive ABM operating model led by Sales is no longer suitable for today’s reality.
Why is that? We live in a world where 74% of B2B business buyers conduct more than half of their research online before they want to engage with a sales person. We no longer just go online from time to time, we live online. Our decision journeys are now digital ones, and our expectation is for brands to communicate with us intelligently digitally and build a relationship with us online.
Compelling ROI on digitally driven ABM programs
The majority of the companies that successfully integrate digitally driven ABM end-to-end programs (SeriousDecisions, 2017), are reporting that the average deal size from ABM programs are higher than non-ABM programs. Also, the ROI on such ABM programs have been reported to be providing 2X and above higher ROI by 45% of companies (Raising the Game with ABM: 2018 ABM Benchmark Study).
ABM as a part of gaining Share of Life™ with customers.
Most valuable companies of the future need to succeed in earning a significant Share of Life™ with their customers. This entails a relationship that goes beyond the transactional and which cannot without severe friction be substituted to another “vendor”. To do this, you need to accomplish zero degrees of separation,which hinges on providing an customer experience informed by a detailed understanding of the preferences and history of interactions with the client.
The ideal scenario is to define ABM personalization based on all customer interactions across digital and analogue touch points with the corporate website and/or e-commerce solution as the hub(s). In the absence of a complete approach to CRM at most MNCs, Vertic deploys a digital observational study as a powerful supplement the existing level of structured or heuristics Account intelligence available within the MNC. The insights are used to define an aggregate master list of themes. The intersection between the identified themes at Company and Leadership and the MNC offerings forms the basis for the ABM strategy going forward.
At Vertic we often use LinkedIn™ as the network of choice for ABM, due to its ability to target specific segments within named accounts on a very detailed level. From there, we direct them into owned assets with a personalized experienced based on the data points from Linkedin and based on the above theme definition. There is a number of plug and play ABM platforms than intelligently integrate into an existing CMS system and Marketing Automation. At Vertic, we have had specific success with Demandbase. For more information on how to get started with digital driven ABM, drop us an email.